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Me - the Photographer

My name is Katarina Felicia Lundgren, I usually go by Katarina (or sometimes Felicia or Ally.) This is my website. Live the Change is my business and practice.

My main offer is eco(pycho)therapy. All else that I do is to suupport that. But I am also a change-maker and advocate, even perhaps a rebel. You can read more about that under Advocacy & Activism.


My Theoretical and Practical Background

I am an ecotherapist, on my way to becoming a licensed eco-psychotherapist. I work trauma informed, trauma sensitive and trauma focused.

I have a one-year training in person-centred psychotherapy, but my main training is in TA (Transactional Analysis) with an ecological perspective.

I am a certified trauma sensitive mindfulness instructor and have designed my own trauma sensitive mindfulness programs.

I am slowly completing my masters in cognitive science and I use a lot of what is called 4E-cogntition in my work (Embodied, Embedded, Enactive and Extended) – from where I draw most of my understanding and use of experiential learning.

I am also a trained artist and have additional training in expressive arts. I combine my eco-therapeutic ways of working with mindfulness practices and tools from expressive arts and also some movement-based modalities, and of course, from experiential learning. Amongst other things, I offer open courses based on ecopsychology/ecotherapy that I call “Rewild your Heart”.

I think Live the Change is a fitting name for my business, since living the change I want in my own life and the change I want to contribute to the world with are both important to me.

I usually put the words – The Responsibility of Choice – underneath the name Live the Change. I think the two go hand in hand and belong together.


Live the Change – The Responsibility of Choice

In my blog and at this site – I bring up every theme and topic I am pondering upon – often related to psychology, eco-psychology, psychotherapy, ecotherapy, trauma, experiential learning, expressive arts, writing, photography, dissociation, mindfulness, philosophy, nature, cognitive science, animals, research/indigenous research methodologies, eco-human interaction, non-pathologizing interventions and non-medicalizing interventions, how to live a good life, eating vegan, raw food and organic, being barefoot, art, culture, language, how to change the world... I write about what touches me, drives me, and concerns me.

I am a forever student, in life, and in academia. I am a globetrotter and a nomad, who has had many different physical home addresses, but now have decided that home is an internal place. But well, for now, I live in Sweden.

On these pages here on Live the Change – I am sharing a mix of what I spend my days doing. Apart from being the practitioner and developer of Live the Change, I am also the director of a non-profit/NGO – an eco-human education and research centre - MiMer Centre.

In my blog I express myself freely. There I am writing about my own background with severe trauma and the consequences it has had on my life. I write about mental health and mental illness/unhealth. I advocate for more and better trauma trainings for providers of mental health services, for more accessible trauma treatments, for more money and resources for all people who work with preventing trauma and abuse.

I do research as well as “me-search” (a term I have borrowed from Bessel van der Kolk). I share other people's work, as well as my own. I express my feelings and my thoughts. I also write about my own explorations and experiments – always wanting to learn more about how to work trauma informed, trauma sensitive and trauma focused.


Peer-Support – Lived Experience Consultant

I have for years tried to separate out my own trauma history from my work, to separate out the private from the professional work. And it has become harder and harder to do so. I want to use my own experiences, use the insights I have drawn and still draw from them, use them to come up with good research questions, as well as good practices and interventions.

I have now become part of a Peer Support/Lived Experience movement, internationally and in Sweden. And I will be part of developing how we can work using our own experiences as humans, ethically and sustainably, to benefit both clients and practitioners (or more succinct put - everyone - all humans). 

Enjoy your reading and your experiences here on my webpage, and on social media. If you want to hire me as a therapist/ecotherapist, speaker, writer, educator, facilitator, artist, etc. – you find my contact info under Contact – and you find the services I offer at Live the Change under Services. If you want to see what services, trainings and other educations and events we offer in MiMer - you find those at MiMers webpage:

Go here for my more formal CV.

Photo courtesy: MoodFrames by Roland Gudinge