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Butterfly– Inviting the more than human world into your growth processes

As an ecotherapist, psychotherapist (in training), mindfulness instructor and growth/learning facilitator within the ecological tradition (ecopsychology, ecotherapy, nature assisted/based interventions, wild/wilderness intervention, green care etc.) – I invite the more than human world to be part of the growth and therapeutic processes taking place in sessions, workshops, and retreats, that I facilitate.

I work integratively, in more than one way. I work with nature and animal assisted interventions, I work with expressive arts, movement-based interventions, mindfulness, and I use my own lived experience expertise and concpets and programs I have developed. In psychotherapy, my own training and coming licensure is in Transactional Analysis (TA), but I also have a yearlong training in person-centered psychotherapy, and shorter trainings in other modalities. Together with my own long psychotherapy (which was psychodynamic/psychoanalytical), as well as other shorter therapies and my added trainings in trauma sensitive mindfulness, expressive arts, other mindfulness, expressive and learning based courses, peer support trainings + my academic training in cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, history of ideas and science, literature and language, agricultural science, and my own art training – I am truly multimodal in all that I do (for my full background, check my CV out).

I would, despite these diverse trainings and educations, argue that my own experiences from my own growth journey is my most important “training”.