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Katarina Felicia (Ally) LundgrenLive the Change – the Responsibility of Choice

Why did I call my business Live the Change? Well. I was living alright – but I wanted change. And I was smart enough to get that the only one I can change is me. The part I did not know about was how hard that is. That is – if you want to change fundamental things about yourself, such as how you see yourself, your sense of worth, your thoughts about yourself – and the rest of the world. That takes time and dedication, patience, and perseverance. And I figured out something else too… It might be both a job and an adventure I will engage in throughout the rest of my life! I find personal growth to be addictive, perhaps at times very hard, but also very rewarding – I have really changed a lot in how I see myself, my place in the world, as well as how I see the world.

So, I Live the Change – on a daily basis. I live MY change and I take responsibility for MY  choices. Step by step – I own more about ME. It is a process. It is about learning and growing. Luckily, I am a curious and stubborn person, so even if I at times stop my process, to rest a bit, I resume it again. Because – how else will I know what is possible?

In Live the Change I offer to support as well as to accompany YOU on your growth journey. This I offer in different workshops and private sessions. Online and in person.

Check out the offers under Services. To see what is currently available.

If you want to know more about me – you can read under Impressum and Me, look at my CV and/or read my blog.

If you want to know more about how I work as an educator and in research projects – check out the foundation I run – MiMer Centre.