Artistic and Informative Publications

Cover Happy FrontLundgren, K. (2023). Here & Gone... Fragments – From a Life Partially Unlived. Amazon Kindle Publishing – onHere and Gone... Fragments from A Life Partially Unlived Amazon:

Lundgren, K. (2023). I AM HAPPY! A Journey. Amazon Kindle Publishing – On Amazon:

Both are available on other Amazon marketplaces too. Here & Gone... is also available in a Kindle version.


Science, Research and Educational Publications

Chapters in books:

Lundgren, K. (2021). Applying Theoretical Frameworks and Organizational Structures to Help Develop the Animal Assisted Therapy Field, in Career Paths in Human-Animal Interaction for Social and Behavioral Scientists, edited by Lori Kogan and Phyllis Erdman, Routledge

Lundgren, K. (2018). Freedom From... and Freedom To... Equine Welfare and the role of the Equine Professional in Equine Assisted Interventions, in A Horse is a Horse of Course, Compendium 3, (2018), edited by Ilka Parent, Amazon Kindle Publishing

Lundgren, K. (2018). What science says about equine-human interaction in equine assisted therapy - An outline to a theoretical framework, in Equine-Assisted Mental Health Interventions Harnessing Solutions to Common Problems, edited by Kay Sudekum Trotter and Jennifer Baggerly, Routledge

Lundgren, K. (2017). The Horse as a Biological Being – Ecology and Evolutionary Adaptations, in A Horse is a Horse of Course, Compendium 1, 2017, edited by Ilka Parent, CreativeSpace

Lundgren, K. (2017). Equine Cognition and Equine-Human Interactions – Expanding Our Knowledge on Equines to Improve Equine Assisted Therapies and Equine Welfare and Wellbeing, in A Horse is a Horse of Course, Compendium 1, 2017, edited by Ilka Parent, CreativeSpace

Lundgren, K. (2017). Sharing Minds – Equine-Human Intersubjectivity in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy – An Outline to a Theoretical Framework, in A Horse is a Horse of Course, Compendium 1, 2017, edited by Ilka Parent, CreativeSpace

Many of these chapters you can find and download from my Academia profile:

On Academia you also find the articles I am beginning to publish about psychotherapy and other healing modalities. 


You can also read me on Medium: