Other Services

Horses greeting

Growth Sessions, Personal Development and Learning

These are services I offer where also mindfulness most often is part of the deal, but it is not psychotherapy. You find information about psychotherapy/Ecotherapy here.

And more detailed information about Mindfulness here.


The Whats:

  • Growth Sessions - Mindfulness & Heartfulness 
  • Equine and Nature assisted Interventions (ENAI)
  • Trauma Sensitive Equine Assisted Mindfulness (TS-EAM)
  • Trauma Sensitive Nature Assisted Mindfulness (TS-NAM)
  • Rewilding, Re-Wild your Heart Workshops
  • Mindfulness courses (Grounding, Resourcing, Bouncing Back etc.)
  • Equine Assisted Experiential Learning
  • Courses on Stress, Trauma, Dissociation and Neurodivergence
  • Texts, Talks, Seminars etc. on Trauma, Neurodivergence and ENAI
  • Courses on how to be Trauma and Neurodiversity Informed/Sensitive
  • Mentoring, Consultation and Supervision
  • Poetry, Pictures - Expressions and Art as well as Expressive Arts
  • Psychotherapy 
  • Lived Experience Consultancy

All one on one or in smaller groups. With experienced facilitators where everyone’s welfare and wellbeing is respected and important.


The Hows: 


I give trainings in how to work with mindfulness, grounding, and stabilization to support people with trauma and dissociation - outdoors in nature with or without horses (sheep or other animals). I focus these trainings on educating on how to facilitate for different people to find ways of grounding that works for them. How to use mindfulness as a part of everyday routine, but also how to use it in more specific situations, such as with flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, dissociation, and other trauma responses. How to both work trauma informed/sensitive but also trauma focused. Trainings are given through MiMer Centre


I offer retreats, often together with other professionals, like yoga teachers, expressive arts therapists etc. These retreats are for those of you who want to experience and work with your own growth, resilience and self-care. But perhaps also slow down, find your inner rhythm, and even express yourself (arts, writer's retreats). You can also hire me as a facilitato at your retreats.


The workshops are set up as an invitation to explore the ways you express (or want to express) yourself. Also the workshops I often give in collaboration with  other professional. The TS-EAM, TS-NAM and the Rewild Your Heart workshhops are offered through MiMer Centre.


I offer individual and group sessions, where we work with mindfulness, heartfulness, self-awareness, coping, grounding, self-care, resilience, self-compassion, self-support, expressive arts/expressing yourself, listening to yourself etc.


I give talks, seminars and lectures where I use both my theoretical knowledge and my own experiences of trauma, dissociation and ND. They can be of the inspirational sort, or more of the traditional educational sort. I educate in how to be trauma/ND aware/sensitive/informed - and also focused - in all kinds of situations, from your business life to your private life.


I write extensively on trauma, trauma/ND informed/sensitive/aware mindfulness, coaching and therapy, on the theory behind what trauma is, how to understand it, how it happens, the impact of trauma, what can be done about it - with a specific focus on severe trauma/ND with dissociation. I also write about more general topics, pertaining to cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, ethics. And on anything that has to do with equine cognition, equine welfare (especially in therapy and learning situations), equine needs (biological, cognitive, emotional and social) and equine-human relationships. Check out my blogs or my social media pages for more background. Both for Live the Change and MiMer Centre.


The Wheres:

I am a somewhat nomadic person (at least for now). Meaning I work in many different places and countries. I often offer events of different kinds together with collaborators, and so far I am often, or a times, hosted in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Latvia, UK, Italy, Germany, Hungary and France. If you want me to come to these countries, or elsewhere, please contact me and we can look into how we can make that happen. 


More information

Descriptions of all the work I do with our training in EATIC - Equine Assisted Trauma Informed Care, and Trauma Sensitive Equine Assisted Mindfulness (TS-EAM), Rewilding etc., you find on MiMer's (Equine-Human Education and Research Centre) page: https://www.mimercentre.org/. Some of the services mentioned above are offered through MiMer Centre alone, or in a collaboration between Live the Change and MiMer Centre. 

For the work that I do in Live the Change - you find more information here on this web site, but if you can't find what you are looking for, or have a question, an idea, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Psychotherapy & Ecotherapy

IMG 7981Are you looking for another way to do psychotherapy than to sit slightly opposite or side-by-side with a therapist, indoors, mostly talking? I offer psychotherapy with an ecological and integrative approach (incorporating other modalities such as mindfulness, expressive arts, movement-based interventions). In person, or online. 

Read more here if this sounds interesting: Psychotherapy & Ecotherapy


Bird of PrayAre you looking for a growth tool that is not psychotherapy, but still can take you deeper within yourself, to listen to and to support yourself. to practice self-awareness, self-compassion, resourcing, and grounding? Then ECO-Mindfulness in some form could be for you.

Read more here if this sounds interesting to you: ECO-Mindfulness

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